As this strange new reality of being stuck at home nearly all the time began to set in, I found myself cooking more at home than ever before. This, of course, entailed finding interesting, new recipes. The only problem is that most recipe sites and apps are... well... let's call a spade a spade: awful. Ads pop up every five seconds, and it seems that recipe authors want to tell you the story of the recipe rather than what you came for: the recipe itself

As much as I want to know where the first hamburger was made and who the creator's fourth cousin once removed was, I wanted to create an app that put the recipe, ingredients, and photographs of yummy food first. I think it's more inviting that way, and it seems those I got feedback from agreed. This is Zest. 
User Personas

These are user personas created to the address specific needs of Zest based on user research.
User Testing and Analysis
Wireframes, Process, and Style Guide
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